International Supply Chain Laws Combating Forced Labor & Modern Slavery

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International Supply Chain Laws Combating Forced Labor & Modern Slavery

In recent years, international laws regarding slavery and trafficking in the global supply chain, such as the 2010 California Transparency in Supply Chain Act (SB 657), 2015 UK Modern Slavery Act, 2017 French Corporate Duty of Vigilance Law and 2018 Australia Modern Slavery Act, have been passed. These laws require corporations operating in the mentioned countries and states to annually report on their efforts to safeguard their supply chains and combat slavery and human trafficking.

International Supply Chain Laws

2010 California Transparency in Supply Chain Act (SB 657)
2015 UK Modern Slavery Act
Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Act (in force 2022)
German Supply Chain Act (Pending 2023)
Swiss Conflict Minerals and Child Labor Due Diligence Legislation (2022)

Withhold Release Orders

Section 307 of Tariff Act of 1930

Non-Financial Disclosures

Italian Legislative Decree 254/2016
2017 Germany CSR Directive Implementation ACT (CDIA)