As Vietnam continues to become a prime destination for trade and export to the international market, a transparent and trustworthy supply chain will be critical to sustaining the development of all parties.
Matera Alliance Inc, a US-headquartered company, is equipped to support brands comply with supply chain transparency laws focused on preventing modern slavery and forced labor. We work closely with brands to reduce the risks at their factories in Vietnam by providing factory managers and workers the critical information they need to better protect themselves and make informed decisions. Our training solutions encourage heightened awareness, knowledge retention and behavior change within the factory, effectively lowering risks, fostering retention and increasing trust between all parties.
Matera Alliance goals include:
- Increasing transparency in the global supply chain
- Building capacity for brands, retailers, and factories to recognize forced labor risks and modern slavery
- Protecting workers and communities against forced labor and modern slavery
Diep N. Vuong
Jocelyn Tran
Head of Business Development